I'm low on energy, but full of vitamin C!
Джереми Реннер был замечен вчера с очаровательной брюнеткой на свидании

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There have been rumors that Jeremy Renner is gay for at least two years now, and he’s never really said much about it, but now he tells the Hollywood Reporter that the whole thing should really be private. And that he’s not gay.
“I want my personal life to be personal, and it’s not f—ing true,” he says of the (gay rumors). “And I don’t care if you’re talking about things that are true, you’re still talking about my personal life. How about I go peek in your window? How does that feel?”
Not very good, Jeremy. I didn’t like it at all. But it’s a good transition to these pictures of him through a window with some girl at Mel’s Drive-In on Sunset. Is he on a date? Maybe he’s not gay. I’m sure there’s a reason to hang out with girls other than the potential for sex but I can’t seem to think of one.

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There have been rumors that Jeremy Renner is gay for at least two years now, and he’s never really said much about it, but now he tells the Hollywood Reporter that the whole thing should really be private. And that he’s not gay.
“I want my personal life to be personal, and it’s not f—ing true,” he says of the (gay rumors). “And I don’t care if you’re talking about things that are true, you’re still talking about my personal life. How about I go peek in your window? How does that feel?”
Not very good, Jeremy. I didn’t like it at all. But it’s a good transition to these pictures of him through a window with some girl at Mel’s Drive-In on Sunset. Is he on a date? Maybe he’s not gay. I’m sure there’s a reason to hang out with girls other than the potential for sex but I can’t seem to think of one.
Leda Rius, надеешься?
Да ладно вам, наконец-то мошт девушка постоянная появится, глядишь семья будет, а то и так Франклин единственный близкий человек (ну не совсем человек) скончался